Puppy-Play & DogTraining

PUPPY-PLAY / DogTraining

What is Puppy-Play or Dogtraining?

Playing all day, making no decisions and having your stomach scratched: puppy play is not really a dog's life.
For nearly three years, becoming man's best friend, a "puppy" has been a new lifestyle. It's not really a fetish, nor necessarily a new sexual fantasy, but a new way of being. This art of living extracts its followers from everyday life and its annoyances. Loup, co-creator of the Paw Paw Lyon puppy group, explains to us that "in puppy play, as in other practices, you have to dress, make up, transform: it's an escape". Once your skin is covered in lycra and your face is masked, your daily life is greatly simplified and reduced to obeying “down!”, “give a paw” and “fetch”, each command executed being rewarded with scratches.

“The puppy seeks solace in a more dominant person. It's very comfortable not to make a decision, to let yourself be led. We don't have much to think about, we do what we are told to do and, in return, we get a reward. What does a puppy do? It eats, it plays, it gets petted and complimented all day. Puppy play is exactly that. A shy person, if someone goes to her saying: "do this, do that, that's good, you're nice", will feel gratified and will form a bond of affection. Everything starts from there”.

Watch out, not bad dogs
Fastoche to come out dog? If we note a general benevolence towards our friends the puppies, Loup notes that certain questions, asked innocently, often come up. Are you zoophiles? Are the puppies consenting? Isn't this practice degrading to human dignity? Very serious questions for a rather calm and joyful game. Because puppy play is soft and childish, very communal and not necessarily sexual. As proof, Loup, his sidekick Stanoo and their Paw Paw pack keep busy by looking for original looks, proposing festive events, organizing photo shoots, aperitifs with a ball pool... Not a bad thing, all that! They don't enjoy biting the postman.

“It's not BDSM, like dog training, which often takes place in an intimate sphere. Puppy play is a big family, it's simple, friendly, people know each other. We are certainly in a relationship between a dominator and a submissive, but not too much. We are more in infantilization”. And in the festive exhibition! Because in Lyon, the puppies are called upon to come out of their kennel and, quite a unique phenomenon, to meet the drags to chug. “Drags or puppies, these are avatars that we display in society in order to find a form of recognition”. This is how in Lyon, puppies and drag-queens are re-enacting a leather and queer version of Beauty and the Beast!

Photo: Florian Moginski (left) and Loup Junior (right) © Jan Puppies

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