Legal Notice

Legal Notice

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Terms and conditions

Last update: March 2020
This translation of the general conditions is intended to help our French members to understand the rules of our site. However, you must accept our terms and conditions before you can use the DDV66 site.
IMPORTANT: Acceptance of these terms and conditions is sufficient to form a legally binding contract. It is therefore important to read these terms and conditions carefully.
If you do not agree to any part of the Terms, or if any content on the Site is illegal in the jurisdiction where you currently reside, please do not continue browsing or attempt to access the DDV66 Site.
Headings do not form part of these terms and conditions and do not affect their interpretation.
In these Terms and Conditions, "you" means the Member or User and "we" means DDV66. We exclusively own and operate the DDV66 website and associated mobile applications (“DDV66”).
Regarding the site, you should know that these conditions apply identically whether the products or services are viewed via a desktop browser, a mobile browser, a mobile phone, a tablet or any other digital device.
"Adult content" warning and user age requirement
The site is intended for adults aged 18 or over. Persons under 18, claiming to be over 18, or soliciting persons under 18 will be removed from DDV66 and their further use will be blocked.
Content on DDV66 may be homosexual in nature and contain sexually explicit text and images.
You acknowledge that this type of content does not offend your sensibilities. We are not required to remove content that offends your sensibilities, but will if it violates our own content policy or French obscenity laws.
Membership is free except evenings
You can cancel your membership by writing us an email:
Tips for safer dating (safety tips)
Our website offers entertainment and exploration of your sexuality in a friendly environment. You are responsible for your own safety – we cannot accept responsibility for your personal safety under any circumstances. Nevertheless, we are committed to ensuring that our users have fun in complete safety. Please read our Tips for Safer Dating. These tips are for your protection and are practical advice to improve your security. However, please note that nothing we say can completely protect you and you should therefore exercise your own judgment in meeting people and choosing the activities in which you participate.
Please note that we do not track the background of our members or users. We therefore advise you to be careful when sharing your personal information with other members. We decline all responsibility if information displayed on a member's profile is false or misleading.
Conduct of Members on DDV66
Members must not:
post, send, email, store, upload to, or associate with any material or content that is or may be offensive, illegal, unlawful, or discriminatory against race, ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, any person's beliefs, sexual orientation or other preferences;
· interfere with the enjoyment of DDV66 by others;
impersonate another person or misrepresent or misrepresent your relationship with a person;
· create more than one profile on DDV66: multiple profiles are not permitted and if you are found to have created multiple profiles we will terminate your membership immediately;
· use the site to promote goods or services without our written consent;
upload to DDV66's servers or do anything that violates these terms and conditions;
· copy, modify, create a derivative work of, reverse engineer or assemble or infringe our rights in connection with any of our software;
· attempt to access any area of DDV66 to which you are not authorized or access our system without our written consent;
· do anything that materially affects (or may materially affect) the functionality of our systems;
· use DDV66 for commercial or profit-making purposes; Or
· Use a temporary or disposable email address on their account. Email addresses must be valid and kept up to date.
If you download or use our software, whether as a standalone software product, application or add-on for your browser, you agree that from time to time the software will download and install our upgrades, updates and our new functionalities in order to improve, perfect and develop the software.
You may not modify, create a derivative work of, decompile, or attempt in any way to extract our source code, except as expressly permitted under an open source license or our express written permission.
We reserve the right to (without notice or justification in our absolute discretion but without being obligated to exercise any right):
· remove or alter any material you upload to the DDV66 server;
· remove DDV66 in its entirety if required to do so by law;
read your messages to and from other members and copy any such messages which may be evidence of violation (if we reasonably believe that you, or another member you are in contact with, has violated our terms and conditions) - normally we will will only do if we receive a complaint from another member. We may also monitor the content of private messages that members send to each other in order to identify spammers/scammers and anyone attempting to use duplicate profiles;
· impose limits on excessive use of the systems.
- For the evenings membership fees will be requested. €20 single - €30 couple.
By becoming a member you choose your username and password. You must not disclose your password to anyone and should be aware that we will never ask you for it other than by logging into DDV66 and anyone asking you to produce it should be considered to be doing so for malicious purposes. You are responsible for all acts committed under your username and therefore the acts of anyone to whom you give your password in violation of these terms and conditions.
Declaration of any misuse of DDV66
We ask for your help in maintaining the high standards of DDV66 and the communities within it by immediately notifying us of any material or communications that violate these Terms or are, or appear to be, illegal. Remember that although DDV66 belongs to us, they must also satisfy you. You can report any suspected violation to us or via the “help” tab on your device.
Privacy Policy
Our privacy policy applies to all personal data that you submit to us.
Personal use only
All material on the Sites is strictly for personal use and must not under any circumstances be used by any user for any commercial purpose or be used in a defamatory or derogatory manner. We accept no liability for loss of profit, decline in turnover, interruption of business activities or loss of business opportunity.
We are the owner or licensee of all intellectual property rights in DDV66, and what is published on it. The works are protected by the laws and treated on the copyrights in force throughout the world. All these rights are reserved.
You may print one copy and download extracts of any DDV66 pages for your own personal use and you may draw the attention of others within your organization to material posted on DDV66.
You must not in any way modify any paper or digital copies which you print off or download from our site, and you must not use any illustrations, photographs, video or audio sequences, or any graphics separately from the text which is attached to him.
Our authorship or that of any contributor identified as the author of material on DDV66 must be acknowledged at all times.
You must not use what you find on our site for commercial purposes, without having obtained from us or that of our licensors the license authorizing you to do so.
If you print off, copy or download any part of DDV66 in violation of these terms of use, your right to use our site will cease immediately, and you must, if we choose, return or destroy any copies of content that you will have done.
You also agree not to collect any information or content about members, or otherwise access our site through automated mechanisms (such as spam bots, robots, spiders or web scrapers). screen without our prior written permission.
Your Warranties Regarding Downloaded Material
You warrant that any material you upload to DDV66's servers:
· is true, accurate and current (and you agree to keep it as is at all times);
· is your own creation/property or that you have consented to upload to DDV66 and in any event that uploading the material to the server does not infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties;
· is not defamatory, unlawful, unlawful, offensive or discriminatory in any way;
· has been processed by up-to-date virus checking software and found to be free of any virus, worm, Trojan or other device or similar effect which alters or may alter the operation of any of these sites or any computer system at any time moment ;
· does not advocate violence;
· does not advocate discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age;
· does not infringe any copyright, database rights or trademarks of any third party;
· does not mislead anyone;
· is not uploaded in breach of any legal obligation owed to a third party, such as a contractual obligation or a confidentiality obligation;
· does not advocate any illegal activity;
· does not threaten, violate or invade the privacy of others, or cause nuisance, disruption or unnecessary anxiety;
· does not harass, upset, embarrass, worry or annoy any third party;
· will not be used to impersonate anyone or misrepresent your identity or relationship to any person;
· will not give the impression that it comes from us, if it is not.
Any content you upload to the site will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary, and we have the right to use, copy, distribute and communicate it to third parties for any reason.
We also have the right to disclose your identity to any third party who claims that material you post or upload to DDV66 violates their intellectual property rights or right to privacy.
We shall not be liable to you or to any third party for the content or accuracy of any information posted by you or any other DDV66 member.
Your allowance
You agree to indemnify us (reimburse all debts, costs and expenses actually incurred) against any costs, demands, debts or expenses arising from the breach of these terms and conditions, and to continue to indemnify us at all times.
Content monitoring
Although we do not actively monitor and assume no responsibility or liability for Submissions to DDV66 or Content Posted by users, the Submission and Posted Content may be subject to real-time monitoring and surveillance. (especially concerning images that can be shared on members' profiles). We reserve the right to edit or remove content without justification. In particular, we may do so if we receive a content complaint, if we believe the content is objectionable, violates the law, contains political content, or otherwise violates these terms and conditions.
Please note that due to content limitations on some mobile app platforms, some elements of DDV66 are not available, regardless of membership status.
Ownership of trademarks etc. on DDV66
The trademarks, logos, names and images displayed on this website are the registered or unregistered trademarks of or licensed to the company. Except as expressly provided, nothing on DDV66 confers any license or right to use any trademarks displayed on DDV66 without our prior written consent or that of the owner of the relevant trademarks.
Break time
From time to time, we may perform necessary network maintenance and/or service upgrades. These specific time periods are referred to as “scheduled maintenance windows”.
In the event of planned service interruptions during a scheduled maintenance window, we attempt to provide 24 hours advance notice to our members of the scheduled maintenance window.
Members should be advised that at any time, we may perform emergency maintenance as necessary, to preserve the overall integrity of the Services, without notice and without compensation for such activities.
We support most mainstream browsers currently in use. However, we cannot guarantee that the specific browser you are using will be able to correctly display DDV66 and all of its features. Please refer to our help section for a full list of supported browsers.
Right to modify or suspend any site, service or feature
We reserve the right to modify or suspend any service or feature at any time without notice or explanation.
Rights to website content
We own or control all rights, including copyright and database rights, to DDV66 and its content. We retain all copyright, database rights and other intellectual property rights in the material contained on or relating to DDV66 (except for images which you may upload to DDV66 and you may not copy, reproduce, upload, republish , extract, broadcast, transmit, display, modify or reuse any materials on DDV66 for any other purpose.
Links to DDV66
You may link to any page viewable on DDV66, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it. However, you may not establish a link that would suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part where none exists.
Our site must not be displayed in a frame on another site. We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without notice. Your website should not display content that is distasteful, offensive or controversial, that infringes the intellectual property rights or any other rights of any third party or that does not comply with all applicable laws and regulations. We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.
If you wish to use material appearing on DDV66 in any other manner not specified above, please send a request by e-mail to
Disclaimer for Linked Websites
While we take reasonable care in selecting the websites to which we link, we do not control their content, format or availability. As a result :
· we make no warranties, endorsements or recommendations in connection with any products or services mentioned or any statements contained on any third party sites;
We accept no responsibility for any content you encounter, or any event that may occur once you are transferred from this website and we are not liable to you or anyone else for any damages or other harm of any kind incurred by visiting a linked site.
Disclaimer for the content of DDV66
You agree, while we take all measures to ensure the truthfulness and accuracy of the information on the sites, that we are not responsible for any false or inaccurate information published by us or a member, and you are advised to independently verify this information before relying on it. We also take no responsibility for any misleading information posted by other members, so you are advised to proceed with caution in your dealings with other members.
Exclusion of liability for viruses, etc.
Whilst we take all reasonable precautions to protect DDV66 and its users from worms, viruses and other harmful material, before downloading or using any potentially harmful material on DDV66, you are advised to ensure that your systems are equipped with up-to-date anti-virus software and that the software monitors the security of any hardware. Therefore, we accept no responsibility for any defects, viruses or other harmful elements that may be contained in any area of DDV66.
It is prohibited to misuse our site by knowingly introducing viruses, Trojan horses, worms, logic bombs or any other malicious or technologically harmful programs. It is prohibited to attempt to access DDV66, the server hosting DDV66 or any server, computer or database connected to DDV66 without authorization. Likewise, any denial of service attack or distributed denial of service attack on our site is prohibited. Breach of this provision constitutes a criminal offense under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. We will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. If you commit any such breach, your right to use our site will cease immediately.
Exclusion of liability for damage
To the extent permitted by applicable law, no liability is accepted for any injury or damage or injury of direct, indirect or incidental use, data, business opportunity or profits, by action of contract, negligence or other tortious actions, however resulting from access to and use of DDV66 and the information and material contained (but for the avoidance of doubt this clause does not exclude liability for death, bodily injury, fraud or misrepresentation).
Please note that we are not responsible for any damages incurred in any way if you download the DDV66 X application from a source other than the website, and the DDV66 iPhone application from a source other than the 'iTunes Store.
Termination of rights to use DDV66
A user's authorization to use DDV66 automatically ceases without notice if the user fails to comply with these terms. Upon termination, User must cease all use of DDV66.
Right to change these terms
We may revise these terms at any time by posting changes to DDV66. Continued use of this site after posting of changes constitutes your acceptance of the changed terms. If you choose not to accept the modified terms and are a paying member, we will refund the claim to you a fair proportion (related to the unexpired time of your membership) of the membership fee.
Applicable laws
These conditions are governed and interpreted in accordance with French law. If any term is held to be unlawful, void or unenforceable for any reason, that provision shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining terms. You agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.


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